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Lone Working

Scope of this chapter

This policy deals with the way in which Nottinghamshire County Council Children’s Social Care Services manages Lone Working. It details the roles and responsibilities of different levels of personnel.

Related guidance


In January 2022, this chapter was updated with revised links in Section 5, Sources of Legislation and Guidance.

January 31, 2022

This policy sets out the approach of Nottinghamshire County Council Children’s Social Care in managing Lone Working. Nottinghamshire County Council has a legal duty to look after the health, safety and welfare of its employees and this includes a duty of care to reduce, as far as reasonably practicable the risks associated with lone working within the workplace and when out in public in the course of work duties. These duties are set out in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 and the Safety Representatives Safety Committee Regulations 1977.

Nottinghamshire County Council is committed to the provision of a safe place of work for all employees, clients, visitors, contractors, volunteers and those affected by or involved in Council activities. We will ensure that lone workers are not exposed to additional or greater risk than any other workers. More specifically we will ensure that Lone workers are identified, hazards and risk are assessed and appropriate action is taken to reduce these risks.

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) defines lone workers as those who work by themselves without close or direct supervision. This can be spilt into two main groups:

  • People who work in fixed establishments e.g. site agents, home workers etc.;
  • Remote Workers working away from fixed base e.g. drivers, healthcare professionals, social workers, public protection etc.

There is no general legal prohibition on lone working, however the employer must identify the hazards, assess the risks involved, and put measures in place to avoid or control the risks. If the risk assessment shows that it is not possible for the work to be done safely by a lone worker, then other arrangements need to be put in place.

Category 1 - Lower risk situations include:

  • Staff working outside normal hours in an office, library or similar e.g. cleaners, caretakers, security staff;
  • Staff who travel alone for significant periods or in circumstances that may give rise to additional risks.

Category 2 - Medium risk situations include:

  • Use of receptions, counters and interview rooms, and similar where risk of violence and aggression or dangerous situation is reasonably foreseeable and where colleagues cannot be readily called on in the event of an adverse situation arising.

Category 3 - High risk situations include:

  • Visiting domestic and commercial premises where risk of violence and aggression or dangerous situation is reasonably foreseeable;
  • Working out of hours (not in a controlled council facility);
  • Working alone with hazardous plant, tools, equipment or chemicals;
  • Where serious injury may be incurred by the type of work being carried out.

Each Service Area is responsible for implementing arrangements to ensure lone working is effectively managed and that all employees are made aware of this policy statement and accompanying guidance.

Caption: Caption: Roles and Responsibilities

Subject: Lone Working

Service Directors Responsibilities

Head of Service Responsibilities

Managers / Supervisors Responsibilities

Employees Responsibilities

Ensuring sufficient resources are made available for the identification and protection of lone workers

Identify any posts that undertake lone working

Ensure that duty of care remains a shared responsibility between worker and employee, identifying lone workers and hazards by completing a lone working hazard checklist for staff or a work team

Ensure that duty of care remains a shared responsibility between worker and employee and take reasonable care of themselves and others affected by their actions

Putting in place suitable lone working protection systems for all activities within their areas

To carry out a lone working risk assessment for employees or work team. Risk assessments to be reviewed at a minimum annually

To assist their manager in completing a lone working hazard checklist

Ensure that lone working risk assessments are undertaken

To implement suitable control measures as identified in risk assessment

Following guidance and procedures designed for safe working

Ensuring all staff receive relevant training to ensure competency in safety matters

To monitor lone working protection systems

Reporting all incidents that may affect the health and safety of themselves or others

Ensure lone workers are not put at more risk than other employees

Ensure lone workers are not put at more risk than other employees

Taking part in training designed to meet the requirements of the policy


Ensure all staff receives training in dynamic risk assessment and ‘Plan B’ exit strategies.

Ensuring that identified lone working staff attend relevant training

Reporting any dangers or potential dangers they identify, or any concerns they might have in respect of working alone

Ensure that employees, agency and voluntary workers, during their induction period, have adequate additional controls in place

Ensure procedures are in place in an emergency and that adequate support mechanisms are in place when staff off site

If the risk assessment indicates a reliance protect lone working, devices may support lone workers as they go about their work the line manager should provide a device and ensure that this is registered, the worker should complete the required training and provide Reliance with a completed user profile form.

Last Updated: June 9, 2023
